Promete Srl is a spin-off company of the National Institute for the Physics of Matter (INFM-CNR) that operates in the field of innovation and technology transfer, with the aim at strengthening the link between research and industries, through the structuring of know-how transfer activities. As a micro company, Promete focuses its business strategy in R&D and in the possibility of bringing to market new ideas from research in order to approach new business opportunities in selected niche markets. Therefore, the company considers as the main growth drivers the investment in intellectual property, in the expertise in engineering frontier applications and in the creation of high value-added innovative products/services, either through joint venture and/or partnerships, often in R&D consortia in international and national R&D projects.

The company promotes and implements, in partnership with other companies and/or research centers, R&D projects that have as their ultimate goal to promote the growth of competitiveness of SMEs in particular through the matching between industrial partners’ innovation needs and the supply of technological knowledge by the research system.
The overriding aim is to act as a technological interface between the local industrial sector and the target market, presiding the whole process from the innovation needs’ detection to the implementation of new technological solutions.


Roberto Germano


MSc in Physics from the "Federico II" University of Napoli. Founder and CEO of PROMETE Srl - CNR Spin off Company. Author of numerous articles of experimental physics in international scientific journals (h-index = 15), and of some patents for industrial inventions. Winner of the 2004 award "Roberto Marrama", a competition in search of young entrepreneurial talents. Advisor of the magazine "Technology Transfer", founder and member of the Scientific Committee of the Association NOI - Napoli Open Innovation, Former Technology Transfer expert in the issue of the Ministry of Economic Development. Author of the books "Cold Fusion, Modern history of inquisition and alchemy" (Bibliopolis, 2000, second ed. 2003) - Preface by Giuliano Preparata, and "AQUA, Electromagnetic Water and its amazing adventures" (Bibliopolis, 2006 ) - Preface by Emilio Del Giudice, co-author of "Technology Transfer" (Franco Angeli, 2010), and of the "Pocket Manual of Technology Transfer" (Il Denaro, 2010). He is member of the Scientific Committee of the IC-MAST - the International Conference on Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers, and Chairman of the Session: LECS, Low Energy Coherent Systems, and of the Scientific Committee of the Aquaphotomics International Symposium (Japan), as well as of the Scientific Committee of the “Luc Montagnier” Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland.

Francesco Paolo Tuccinardi

Aeronautical Engineer

Aeronautical Engineer (University of Napoli Federico II) with a MBA at the Scuola di Amministrazione Aziendale (SAA), University of Torino (Italy). Since the beginning of his activity in PROMETE he has been responsible for different R&D programs directly started from the company or in which the company has been involved in, either as a partner or as a consultant. Responsible for the communication activities of the Action Group CTRL + SWAN (Cloud Technologies & ReaL time monitoring + Smart WAter Network) of the EIP Water and Member of the Board of Directors of the start-up company HUB Spa

Luigi Maria Verde

Software engineer, Programmer & Data Analyst

Senior Consultant and IT Specialist with a demonstrated work history for manufacturing and service industries in Emilia Romagna. Ongoing collaborations for Healthcare software companies as Unicode Srl and Sinfo Srl, projects for Confindustria Emilia, CEMON, Marchesini Group Spa, Immergas Spa, Maska Spa, XNOOVA. Full Stack Developer & Software Engineer particularly skilled in Software & Databases Development and Project Management. Data Scientist in Machine Learning & Natural Language Processing
Strong professional in physics and computer engineering. Studies carried out at the University of Naples "Federico II".

Marzia Da Como

Software engineer & Data Analyst

Freelance engineer. Decades of experience as Project Manager and Data Analyst for IRCCS Reggio Emilia and local companies. Strong interest in Machine Learning and R&D applications.
Ongoing collaborations with Unicode S.r.l of Carpi (MO) and Sinfo S.r.l of Reggio Emilia. Programming activities c / o CNH Industrial Italia SpA, Panini SpA, Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A. on behalf of Computing Brain Trust s.r.l.
Degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

Francesco Pastore


Programmer with more than 20 years of experience in developing web oriented applications.

Scientific advisors

Vittorio Elia

Associate Professor (retired) Dept. of Chemical Sciences, University of Napoli "Federico II" and Professor of Electrochemistry in degree courses in Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry. He is co-author of more than 180 publications in international scientific journals in the field of thermodynamics of aqueous solutions of molecules model of biological interest. In the last twenty years he has undertaken the thermodynamic and spectroscopic study of extremely dilute aqueous solutions disturbed by various physical methods.

Elena Napoli

Since 1997 actively collaborating with Prof Vittorio Elia on the study of the chemical-physical properties of aqueous solutions in contact with hydrophilic polymers, and on the study of extremely dilute aqueous solutions. Elena is co-author of numerous publications in journals International.


Promete Lab is accredited to the Regional Register of Entities authorized to provide consultancy services and research in support of innovation and scientific and technological development of SMEs in the Campania Region (Decree no. 450 of the Campania Region of 13/07/2005): Research and experimental development in the field of Physics.

air quality monitoring

Technical and economic consulting
The network of scientific, technological and economic collaborations, allows the company to represent a dynamic interface between the technology offer (the scientific research system) and the technology demand (the enterprise system), and to deliver a definite range of services that are beneficial to fulfill competencies that are requires in the whole technology transfer process and in the different phases in which this is accomplished.

Measurement and shielding of low frequency electromagnetic fields
In reference to the provisions of Chapter IV (electric fields, magnetic and electromagnetic fields with frequencies from 0 Hz to 300 GHz) of Title VIII "Physical Agents" of DLgs.81 / 2008, Consolidated Security and health of workers, as amended and supplemented by Legislative Decree no. 159 of 1 August 2016 "Implementation of Directive 2013/35 / EU on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields), and repealing Council Directive 2004/40 / EC ", for the purpose of drawing up the exposure to Risk Assessment Document for Low Frequency Electromagnetic fields.
The assessment should refer to sources of danger present in these areas, and the exposure of workers employed.
It must be taken into account, also, potential sources of risk even in areas of the site in question is not necessarily used for work tasks, but that may possibly be a source of risks for workers occasionally present, for example for maintenance activities.
To perform this activity PROMETE uses electromagnetic emissions’ diagnostic techniques, simulation SWs for the evaluation of electromagnetic interactions and the design of interventions for the emissions’ abatement within ranges provided by the pertinent law.

Lab tests for production quality control

Promete laboratory is also credited among the Regional Subjects enabled to the provision of consulting services and research activities supporting innovation and scientific and technological development of SMEs in Campania Region (executive decree n. 450 of the Campania Region of 13.07.2005).

Production scheduling
Production processes can be definitely moldable and optimized, thanks to the availability on the market of SW tools that are configured to support managers in the planning phase. Designed as modular systems, they are highly differentiated by cost, objectives and capability to represent the reality and to match production mechanisms, thus being easily adaptable to the specific characteristics and requirements of different type of production scheme and managerial organization. This modules apply advanced methods of resolution and calculation, to solve problems with an high number of variables, constraints and data, with extremely fast processing times; they describe the more complex manufacturing systems and also involve stochastic elements.
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Scientific instrumentation for lab educational activities
Promete promotes the dissemination of the scientific culture through the design of experiments in Physics for high schools’ laboratories. Currently the company commercializes an ultra-sensitive device devoted to the mass measurements of microscopic particles. This device is based on Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) technology, and it can weigh atmospheric fine particles of sub-micrometer-size in the order nanograms! The instrument can perform designed experiments with a different level of investigation in Physics’ topics, according to the training programs and/or the teachers’ choice.


logo trylight

Trylight is an easy-to-use tool for carrying out a photochemical process to tether antibodies on any thiol-reactive surface (e.g. gold).

Biosensing applications: Magnetoelastic sensors, Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM), Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR), Plasmonic Enhanced Fluorescence (PEF)
Target industries: Biotechnology, Food safety and quality control
Model utility n°: 202018000003368

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logo refibri

Refibri is a refractometer designed for concentration measurements by means of a fiber optic sensor. Refractometric measurements can be used for purity tests, dilution control or sample composition, characterization of substances, in particular organic liquids.

Key features: remote control, continuous precise sensing, real-time measurement, user-friendly interface
Target industries: An important area of application is the analysis of food products: measurement of Brix level of glucose in tomato industry, milk industry, wine and beer industry. Other target industry: paper mill; fundamental research, R&D

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logo ramona

RaMonA is an instrument for the detection of radon gas accumulation level, designed for safe and comfortable use, to be easily assembled and to make routine maintenance easier. The instrument is very compact and of simple and secure grip, with a weight of about 600 gr. and all designed insulation that make it suitable for an outdoor use.
The instrument consists of a single volume, a unique solution if compared with current commercial devices, enclosing inside all the electronics for operation. Even the rechargeable battery is internal. The instrument has a quadrangular volume in plant and a trapezoidal profile composed of two shells. The front hood is formed by a trapezoidal surface at the center of the hemispherical surface that forms the measuring chamber, where it is written Rn , on the bottom of the shell presents there are holes for the air ducts, covered by the opening door. The main body, open in its front and closed at the other 5 sides, has in the back the panel dedicated to the user interface; the top part instead, it accommodates a cavity of suitable measures in order to use it to handle the device.


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logo trantra

WebApp for automatic transcriptions and translations. To view the service presentation click here. To access the program click here. To access the video tutorial click here.




Patent RM2010A000659
Device and method for removing bacteria from a fluid
Inventor: Antonio Maria Calabro’
Applicant: Promete Srl

Patent NA2009A000045
Identification system with multiple magnetostrctive tags
Inventors: Germano Roberto; Sacerdoti Francesco Maria
Applicants: Promete Srl, E-voluzione Di F M Sacerdoti Srl

Patent Application for Utility Model 202018000003368
Functionalization device for a material, in particular for a metal, for manufacturing a biosensor transducer
Inventors: Raffaele Velotta, Bartolomeo Della Ventura
Holders: Promete Srl (25%), University of Naples Federico II (50%), Rossi Sabrina (25%)


Patent PD2008A000204
Method and apparatus for detection of the remote origin fraction of radon present in a measuring site
Inventors: Pugliese Mariagabriella; Roca Vincenzo
Applicants: Istituto Nazionale Di Fisica Nucleare
License agreement: signed the 06 February 2013 with INFN


Model 0000103543
Device for radon detection
Inventor: Torres Guizado Glenda
Applicant: Promete srl


Promete is actively pursuing the following R&D trajectories:

1.Light Tube
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2. Intrinsic wireless microdeformation sensor
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3. QCM biosensors for water quality monitoring
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4. Oxhydroelectric Effect
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5. New advanced control methodologies for industrial slurries and doughs
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6. Fiber optic refractometer system for local concentration measurement
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7. Magnetoelastic biosensor for the rapid and economic detection of food pathogens
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The research activity carried out by Promete over the years led the company to the publication of several scientific articles in the knowledge domains explored by it in R & D programs undertaken as its own initiative or as part of collaborative projects with other partners.

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Centro Servizi Metrologici e Tecnologici Avanzati (CeSMA)

Next Geosolution SpA

Europea Microfusioni Aerospaziali SpA

Technogenetics Srl

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Fisica Applicata

DSO National Laboratories (DSO, Singapore)

Data Driven Insights Ltd (Ireland)

Ebris - European Biomedical Research Institute of Salerno

Eng3 Corporation (US)

Ce.M.O.N. S.r.l.

Medinok SpA

AcquaPhi AG (Switzerland)

Technical University of Denmark, Bioengineering Dept

Fondazione Belladonna

ILSB, University of Maryland Baltimore County (US)

Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan, Poland)

Aurora Biosearch Srl

Clean Sud Industriale Srl

CAM Hospital Srl

Ma.t.i. Sud srl

Arcadia Srl

TR.IN.CO.N.E. S.r.l.

Officina Servizi Srl

C.E.A. Consorzio Energie Alternative SpA


R&D projects completed

Optimization of the techniques and procedures of analysis of electromagnetic emissions
Regional Operational Programme 2000/2006, Campania Region - Priority Axis 3 - Human Resources - Measure 3.17 "Support for research programs, innovation and technology transfer promoted by the regional entrepreneurial sector", 2000-2001

Development of industrial districts for earth observation
National Operational Programme "Research, Higher Education and Technological Development" - Measure I.3 "Research and Development in strategic sectors for South Italy"

Patents + Invitalia, measure sub 2 "Incentives for the economic development of patents”

Patents + Invitalia, measure sub 2 ""Incentives for the economic development of patents”

RITAM public-private laboratory
Promete is one of the partners of the public-private laboratory RITAM (Coordinated byEMA, Europea Microfusioni Aerospaziali SpA) financed on the programme 2007-2013 PON. The activities that ended in 2016 are dedicated to the study of chemical and physical properties of aqueous colloidal solutions and to the assessment of their effect on the stability of ceramic bodies for the realization of shells. In particular, starting from the specifications of the ceramic bodies, we carried out a thorough study of the chemical-physical properties of the colloidal aqueous solutions in order to identify critical parameters for the stability in time of the ceramic bodies used for the realization of shells, starting from concepts of quantum electrodynamics (analysis of supramolecular structures and impact on the dynamics of the ceramic bodies with colloidal structure as a function of time).
Project co-financed by Ministero dell'istruzione, dell'università e della ricerca with the PON Ricerca e competitività 2007-2013


Innovative Wickless Heat Pipe Systems for Ground and Space Applications (INWIP)
Promete is currently engaged on the project on the ESA MAP PROGRAM, with an in-kind activity (i.e. not financed for the 3-year period) devoted to the design and realization of a sensor device based on optical fiber

Project co-financed by the European Union, the Italian Republic and Regione Campania with the ROP ERDF 2014-2020.

Magneto-elastic immunosensors for the multiple detection of pathogens in foods - CUP B63D18000900007 - FESR CAMPANIA 2014 / 2020- O.S. 1.1 - PUBLIC NOTICE FOR SUPPORT TO COMPANIES IN THE REALIZATION OF FEASIBILITY STUDIES (PHASE 1) AND TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSFER PROJECTS (PHASE 2) CONSISTENT WITH RIS 3
Project co-financed by the European Union, the Italian Republic and Regione Campania with the ROP ERDF 2014-2020.

NEST - CUP B24E19001880007 - POR CAMPANIA FESR 2014 - Axis III - Thematic Objective 3 - Specific Objective 3.4 Action 3.4.2 "Incentives to purchase of internationalization support services for SMEs"
Project co-financed by the European Union, the Italian Republic and Regione Campania with the ROP ERDF 2014-2020.

Current R&D projects

TOPDESS - Two-phase passive thermal devices for deployable space systems - ESA SciSpacE Program Microgravity Application Promotion Program

MUQCA – Universal Animal Colostrum Quality Meter - Meditech - Mediterranean Competence Centre 4 Innovation
Call for the selection of innovation projects, industrial research and experimental development in the field of enabling technologies 4.0 - Meditech Call n.1

The roadmap
to innovation


Over the years Promete closely worked with private and public clients in research and development activities commissioned to the company in view of the know-how and expertise in specific areas of technical and scientific knowledge

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R&D activities carried out over the years with strong commitment and firm determination, allowed the company to establish a strong system of scientifically relationships both nationally and internationally, and both of an informal nature and through formal partnership agreements.

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International partners
European projects
National projects

Piazzale Tecchio 45
80125 Napoli
Ph. nr.: +39 081 056850
ph. nr.: +39 081 056851
Fax: +39 081 056851
VAT: 03347431219

Copyright 2023 - Promete
Credits: Jiolahy