PROMETE soon in Paris! VivaTechnology 2022, Europe’s biggest startup and tech event

PROMETE will participate in the VIVA TECHNOLOGY 2022 trade fair in Paris from 15 to 18 June with two of its products: Magnetoelastic and Trylight. PROMETE will be present in the area organized by ICE-Agency, Industrial Technology, Energy and Environment Office, as part of the Italian Collective dedicated to 25 Italian exhibitors - startups and innovative SMEs - admitted to the event...à bientôt !!

PROMETE and SISTEMI FUTURA together for the monitoring and controlling the emissions of maritime traffic in the Gulf of Naples

A new experimental program of PROMETE is born, with the aim of contributing to the surveillance of the environment and the territory in the field of detection of emissions produced by maritime traffic, starting from the precise knowledge of the impact of naval transit on the coastal territory in the area of the Gulf of Naples and Pozzuoli. The collaboration with SISTEMI FUTURA proposes to leverage the specificity of the proprietary system CLIMAVIA, of the Roman company, in detecting in a timely manner and with high frequency meteoclimatic parameters such as temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, risk of fog and haze, rain, hail risk, wind (intensity, direction and gusts) that, together with data recorded by optical sensors on the values of particulate matter (PM10, PM2,5, PM1.0) and using predictive models, will allow to develop accurate forecasts of air pollution in coastal areas. Alessia Cajora, our chemical engineer, will participate in this activity, already engaged in R&D activities concerning the study of the environmental impact of maritime traffic on the region of Campania .

Info: Alessia Cajora Tel.: +39.081.056851

EVENT: SiCon 2022 - Workshop on contaminated sites organized by UNIBS

BRESCIA - 9/11 FEBRUARY 2022 The scientific committee of SiCon selected PROMETE for the presentation of a report on the hyperoxygenation with nanobubbles in groundwater remediation: Speakers: Alessia Cajora

Talk: BONIFICATION FROM HYDROCARBONS, MTBE and ETBE in FLOOD WATER with HYPEROXYGENATION technique. SiCon is organized by the Sanitary-Environmental Engineering groups of theUniversità degli Studi di Brescia, , University of Catania and Sapienza Università di Roma, in collaboration with ANDIS (National Association of Sanitary-Environmental Engineering), GITISA (Italian Group of Sanitary-Environmental Engineering) and CSISA Onlus Association (Centro Studi Ingegneria Sanitaria Ambientale).


Preliminary tests for monitoring cortisol in buffalo milk

Promete has recently completed a preliminary activity for the realization of a portable biosensor for the monitoring of cortisol hormone in buffalo milk, as part of an experimental thesis for the master degree in Science and Technology of Animal Production (Dept. of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production, University of Naples Federico II - UNINA). For the functionalization of the quartz crystal of the Quartz Crystal Microbalance Eureka (Bioage Srl) Trylight has been used, activating of antibodies following the method developed by the research group of Prof. Raffaele Velotta of the Dept. of Physical Sciences, UNINA (Della Ventura, B., et al. Biomed. Opt. Express 2, 3223-3231 (2011).

PROMETE tests for AcquaPhi AG (Switzerland)

AcquaPhi is an ecological device for the ennoblement of ordinary water, invention of the German researcher Eng. Christian Lange.

The water flows in a pipe over 3 meters long that surrounds the cone (patented) inside, whose structure is based on natural geometric criteria and purely physical, not chemical actions; therefore AcquaPhi is 100% maintenance-free, requires no electricity or additives, and is CO2-neutral.

In the process, water molecules aggregate and form dissipative structures to which mainly positive ions such as calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+) and the hydrogen ion (H+) bind. Deposits and fouling are significantly reduced.

PROMETE has conducted the tests showing such increases in pH and dissolved oxygen, and the significant reduction in limescale deposits.

SWANP Software presentation

MED. HYDRO, a spin-off of the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli participated by PROMETE, on Thursday 7 October will present the SWANP software:

Industrializzazione del software SWANP per la distrettualizzazione ottimale delle reti idriche di distribuzione: un esempio di ricerca e trasferimento tecnologico tra università, spinoff e water utility. Autori: Enrico Creaco (1,2), Anna Di Mauro (2,3), Armando Di Nardo (2,3), Michele Iervolino (2,3), Giovanni Francesco Santonastaso (2,3), Tony Esposito (4), Stefano Locoratolo (4)

  1. Università di Pavia
  2. MedHydro srl, spinoff company
  3. Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
  4. GORI Spa in the context of H2o Bologna. International Water Exhibition. Technologies, treatments, distribution, sustainability.
Brilliantly obtained the degree for the master degree thesis advised by two valuable members of our team

Elaheh Allahyari, physicist of PROMETE, advisor of the experimental thesis of the candidate Alessandra Testa " Masters degree in ICT technologies for animal production - preliminary tests for the realization of a portable bionsensor for the monitoring of cortisol in buffalo milk". Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production, degree course in Science and Technology of Animal Production. Supervisors: Prof. Leopoldo Angrisani and Prof. Francesco Bonavolontà.

Alessia Cajora, chemical engineer at PROMETE, advisor of the thesis of candidate Giovanna Schiavone "Contribution of maritime shipping to the quality of air in channel of Procida"; Department of Chemical Engineering, Materials and Industrial Production, Master's Degree Course in Chemical Engineering. Supervisor: Prof. Francesco di Natale

Two innovative master

In the coming months, Roberto Germano, CEO of PROMETE, in the context of the experimental research conducted at PROMETE on the chemical-physical properties of liquid water which are already published in numerous international journals, will be teaching in two innovative Master in two different Italian Universities: UNIMOL - University of Molise, and UNITELMASAPIENZA - the only telematic University directly linked to the largest Italian public University, Sapienza University of Rome.


Interrelation between the health of the environment and the salutogenesis of man, acquisition of new skills in the field of green economy and circular economy, lecturer of the Module: "Elements of classical physics and quantum mechanics applied to cell biology and dynamics of the living in relation to the environment". a.a. 2021/2022- starting November 2021. Info:


The Master proposes to offer a systematic treatment of the possibilities of integrating conventional medicine with notions, procedures and instruments deriving from the modern Quantum Physics, in a holistic vision of the themes concerning health and wellness, lecturer of the Module: "Water, this unknown". The Master - the first of its kind to address this innovative topic - will be available in 7 languages, Italian, English, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, German, and Slovenian, in 90 countries around the world. For information:


Piazzale Tecchio 45
80125 Napoli
Ph. nr.: +39 081 056850
ph. nr.: +39 081 056851
Fax: +39 081 056851
VAT: 03347431219

Copyright 2019 - Promete
Credits: Jiolahy